Click this link for Walks programme for December 2024
Click this link for Walks programme for January 2025
We would love you to join us to walk in Meopham and other areas of Kent. The walks are primarily intended for our members (a modest fee of £5 a year) but we welcome prospective members to join us for a few walks to try us out before making a decision to become a member. For insurance purposes guests will be required to provide their addresses when signing in for a walk.
You are advised to always carry a bottle of water. Daytime walks usually also include a short break for refreshments so please feel free to bring tea/coffee etc and a snack if you like.
Please wear appropriate footwear (walking boots or sturdy trainers – some people like to wear wellingtons when it’s muddy).
Please check the details of each individual walk as to whether dogs are allowed on that walk:
- If advertised as “Dogs on SHORT leads only” please keep them on short leads at all times as long leads can cause a hazard for other walkers.
- Please beware that many of our walks include stiles, some of which may not be accessible by large dogs.
- Please observe any signs on farm gates etc.
- When walking through livestock, walkers with dogs should walk apart from the rest of the group. If threatened by cattle, dogs should always be let off the lead as they will outrun the cattle and walkers will no longer be threatened.
- If a dog is badly behaved, the owner will be asked to leave the walk and the dog will not be allowed in future.
- For more guidance please view the Dog Walking Code developed by Natural England, National Farmers’ Union, Ramblers, the Kennel Club and others.
If you have any queries about a walk, or if the weather is particularly bad (whether too wet, too cold or too hot), please contact the leader to check if the walk will go ahead. Members can find the contact details of the walks leaders in the Newsletter. Non members should contact the Walks Coordinator, Elizabeth Reeves on 07947 539635 or
Please Take Care
Although the group’s walk leaders take care with the planning and execution of their walks, anyone taking part in our walks does so at their own risk. Please see our Risk Assessment.
Please stay behind the leader and in front of the back marker. If you need to break away from the group or feel ill, please tell the back marker.
Leaders must be allowed to follow their planned route and members should only intervene if help is requested.
Please walk in single file when requested and wait until the whole group is present before crossing roads.
When walking with our group, please remember that it is your responsibility to make sure you don’t lose sight of the walkers ahead of you. The walk leaders will do their best to make sure they do not leave anyone behind. They check regularly but can’t always be sure that they’ve done so before a gap has formed. We don’t want to lose anyone, so please do take care.
Please remember to bring your own medication , together with suntan lotion, plasters etc.
In case of emergency
Please carry the name and contact details of your next of kin in case you are taken ill during a walk, so that we can get in touch with them.
It is recommended that everyone enters emergency contact details in their mobile phones – instead of people’s names just call them ICE1, ICE2 etc. That way the emergency services can find them easily.